Friday, July 25, 2008

back to basics

Yes, I'm back in horrorville. And this time, I expect nothing less than raw tears, sweat and all. First week is basically bearable. Meeting up with people I know is great. I never said I hated people, on the other hand, my hatred is strictly confined to the place itself.

I'm determined to finish 2 story books this week and so far I've finished one. I'm a quarter into the other book now. The first book I read is called "Sisters" by Danielle Steel and I highly recommend this book. It's sweet, with some sour taste in the middle but overall an excellent read. The book I'm reading now is called "The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets" by Eva Rice and so far, I'm enjoying it.

I'm going back every week now, while my family is still here. I get so homesick, it's crazy! But when I'm here, I'll just have to suck it up and be a brave big girl, the way I was 2 years ago. The irony.

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