Yesterday I went to a small family gathering at Tok Chik's. Yeah well it was fine, just a normal family get-together. But what caught my attention was this fried veggies(of all things?). The veggies were in one container, and it seems like one of Tok Chik's guests brought them.
It was love at first crunch. The veggies were very crispy and unveggie-like. They didn't taste AT ALL like veggies, in fact, they kinda taste like prawn tempura, which is why I blog about this in the first place. This is some clever food. Disguising tasteless goodness under deliciousness.
Asyraf(lil bro) liked it so much that he unshamefacedly asked for some to bring back. And that's what he got in those polystyrene bowls. The thing is, it actually wasn't only my brother who wanted more. All of us were happily crunching veggies on the way back home.
Suggest this to vegetable haters and they won't think twice about eating them.
P/s: I found a cool free polaroid application on the web yesterday. Imagine how frustrated I was to find out that they are currently offering the app to Mac only. That's why I decided to whip out two polaroids by my self.
looks yummy!! mcm nak rasa jugak... huhu.
tak tanya resipi??
bayam goreng kan? :)
i ate this jugak masa syawal aritu. i bought it kat kundasang sabah.
It is yummy! Wish I'd ask for the recipe. I think you can find the recipe online, but I'm wondering how the hell did he make the bayam so rigid straight?
Yeah its bayam goreng! So it's a sabahan food??
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