Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday Thoughts: Point of Motherhood


The other day me and my friend got talking about how things have changed in our lives. We’ve known each other for 9 years and have been through all the stages… the fun uni times, the stressful exams and projects, the ‘boyfriend’ drama, the first job drama, getting engaged, married life and finally motherhood.

Motherhood is unlike other stages, you go into motherhood like submerging yourself in water; fully and whole and there’s no turning back ever. Truthfully you’ll go into shock in the beginning but I’m not sure I’ve even recovered.

Anyway we promised each other to always be fun even though we have kids. I might barf at that now like it’s the most ridiculous thing that’s not possible. We promised to meet every other week and play tennis. Okay, double barf. And to leave the children with the husband to hang out sometimes. Triple barf.

I also naively promised myself not to change after having children. There are some things that might have semblance to my past life, I mean like still brushing teeth and taking a bath. Other than that, you know, I’m hanging on. I decided while I was pregnant that I would like to sort of take a year off my work and because of the nature of my work, I’m ‘sort of’ able to be a stay-at-home-mom while working. I thought it’ll be a pretty slow and enjoyable year. Boy am I wrong.

How do I describe my day? Wow it’s pretty complicated actually. To an outsider I look like I’m doing nothing the whole day. Even when hubs asked about my day, I have a hard time to explain.

The conversation:

Hubs: How was your day?

Me: *Cricket sounds* Yeah it was okay. I’m alive, I ate, I’m healthy. Naila’s happy. I’m grateful.

I used to launch into a 20 minutes monologue, you know, telling hubs how during bathtime Naila loved it but cried when I try putting on the diaper, then she looked at Chanel, she screams a lot. She bites her hands, I think she’s teething. Owh you know she made a big mess and I had to clean it up and I’m so tired. She made a mess when I was feeding her, the mess is still there, I’m sorry if the house looks like a dumpsite when you come back. She cries when I leave her, my milk is not enough! She also tore the peekaboo owl page, I’m so tired, but she doesn’t wanna nap yet! Bla bla bla.

You get the gist.


After a while, I felt it was pointless to describe. Because in a work setting, these things are called ‘petty’. Not the ‘bottom line’ or goal.

Then I tried to think about what was the bottom line of this whole mommyhood fiasco. I call it fiasco because honestly it feels like one. Like a mess. Why is mommyhood so hard?

I looked forward to when Naila is one year old, but this isn’t the long tern goal. Then I realize that it’s when Naila is ready to have her own life. To be able to make wise decisions by herself. Frankly speaking I’m looking at a 23 year project in the making. So everything that I’m doing is simply setting the stage to help her become the best human being and Allah’s servant :-)

Then I felt at peace.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Look Fab with Running Shoes


I must admit, when it comes to footwear, at most I can boast about having one row of black leather shoes. Maybe some crocs mary janes in between. Yup. That’s me. When my hubs actually took me to shop for shoes, I’ll be the one like, OH YEAH and headed straight for the monochrome section. More so now that I’m a mom and monochrome is the easiest to match outfits! You know how Steve Jobs has hundreds of the same black sweater? I’m like that with shoes.

But there’s an exception. When it comes to sports shoes, I go wild! My pick is always running shoes because they’re so versatile. You know how sports wear can be a bit drab? I thought, why not spice up the whole outfit with fabulous running shoes?

How do you choose a good running shoe?

1. Must be COMFORTABLE. Exercise is no walk in the park I tell you. (No pun intended!)

2. Choose the correct size

3. Matches your personality

Some girls might prefer a pink colored running shoe…


while others might adore another colour.


However, do not wear a running shoe too tight or loose as it could cause an aggravated problem.

One of the problems caused by wearing a shoe smaller than your foot size are blisters. The painful blisters are formed with the frequent friction of a rough spot from the shoe to sensitive areas of your foot. For example, the part normally forms blisters are the back of your feet. Once you have the blisters, it would be very hard for you to walk. The pain just isn’t worth it.

I walk a lot but the ladies and men who participate in marathon events will surely acknowledge that a good comfortable pair of running shoes is what contributes to the confidence of the wearer. Well, even running in the park needs a really good pair of shoes!


Sublime Lime.

A person’s energy level may quickly decrease if the shoe for running does not provide comfort and support. The lack of support will bring feet and ankle pain. This is because long distance walking and running adds pressure to our tired feet especially if the shoe has thin padding.

Due to the same reason, you will experience heel pain which is the inflammation of your heel and sometimes your whole foot sole. The inflammation is mainly caused when you haven’t been active for quite some time or a dramatic increase in your physical activity routine.

Take it down a notch and do not put pressure on your feet especially when you are slowly starting to be active. Rest them well and follow your own pace when exercising.

It’s also important to change your running shoes after a while, because believe it or not, shoes have mileage in them. And like a car with high mileage, sometimes it’s time to say bye bye and change to a new one.

Soo the big question is, where do I find these fabulous running shoes? Your answer is Zalora. I’m sure you’ve heard of Zalora. They’re everywhere! Try and have a look at Zalora website as they provide a wide range of running shoes suitable for both men and women. They have local and international brands made available so you’ll be spoilt for choice. 

My personal favorite?



Purplicious they say.

Take care and happy shopping at Zalora!


-This is a sponsored post-

-All shoe photos are taken off the Zalora website-

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