Friday, December 31, 2010

Bye BYe 2010, Hello 2011

10 years ago, I was 13, listening to Britney Spears, buying smash hits magazines and had a big crush on Devon Sawa. Who is he? Exactly.


5 years ago, in 2005, I was chubbier and have not worn braces. I was duped into taking a terribly difficult course which I love to hate and I had no idea.

5 years later, 2010 is such a great year, I can’t believe it’s almost over!!

Let’s look back to the highlights of the year:

- I finished my studies in UTP! And said bye bye to Tronoh!

- I graduated with a degree!

- I started working!

- I went Cuti-cuti Malaysia to : Desaru! Pulau Pangkor!

- I went to New Zealand!

- I went to Beijing! (Post will be up in January!)

Of course, there were more. But these are the ones I documented.

I’m sure many of you regard this year as a year of challenges and new beginnings especially those transitioning into the new world of 9 to 5. Or maybe you’re beginning university life.

Whichever it is, take stride, buckle up and enjoy the ride. You’ll never know what’s ahead of you so brace yourself. New year is going to be another fantastic ride!

Happy New Year everybody!

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