Saturday, December 13, 2008

Something About Being Frustrated/Annoyed

  • I surf for new blogs to read when I'm bored. So I come over to this blog with a witty name. I skimmed through the whole page and look at their blogrolls and proceed to another one. I usually go to the ones with a witty blog title because usually they're more fun. That's what I think anyway. Then I realize, alot of the blogs have witty names but completely irrelevant and not related to their blogs at all. Everyone's being so witty and clever that it's almost ridiculous. I feel ripped-off eventhough I didn't have to pay for anything.

  • Why do people feel the need to scream into their handphones? Phones have mics and people at the end of the line aren't deaf.

  • People who likes to assume stuff and actually tells it to your face. Usually, it's a bad thing. What a nerve.

  • People who throw garbage out of their car windows and spit on the road. I used to throw garbage out of the school bus because it was a norm. After buying snacks, the bus conductor would say, "Don't throw anything in the bus, just dump it outside." I did that for 5 years and so did everyone in the bus. Now I'm trying to make amends.
Actually, I'm frustrated with how difficult it is to put together a blogger template. I'm done with the header but that's the easiest part. The css is giving me such a headache. I want it to be online soon. Because I'm really sick of looking at that temporary one. LOLS.

Have a nice weekend.


Anonymous said...

Why do people feel the need to scream into their handphones? Phones have mics and people at the end of the line aren't deaf.

hahah.. I did that too... it just happen, spontaneously. LOL. heheh. as if i am talking to a deaf person.. hahah!

Adilah said...

hey Maybe it's reflex huh?

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